Views 21,078 TRN TA1 Max is a 47 USD IEM sold and fulfilled by Linsoul, with a Beryllium coated dynamic driver, and a Knowles 33518 custom armature, perfect for someone with a low budget, looking for a pleasing musical experience. They will be compared to other bottom-level IEMS, including Astrotec …
IEM is a term for earphones with silicone tips, and it comes from In Ear Monitor. Most of silicone tips IEMS were designed for musicians, and only recently they became available for enthusiasts and audiophiles to enjoy. Most IEMs will have multiple sizes of tips included and interesting technology like crossovers, multiple drivers, acoustic chambers, and will leak much less of your music than headphones. Comfort is usually worse with IEMs than it is with full sized headphones.
You can find my reviews on IEMs below, and also the best IEMs here:
BQEYZ Topaz – IEMs Of Magnetic Proportions
Views 26,358 BQEYZ Topaz are a pair of $89 USD IEMs with a Piezoelectric Ceramic Driver, and a 13mm Liquid Crystal Polymer Diaphragm Dynamic Driver. They will be compared to other budget entry-level IEMS including Heartfield Acoustic Deer ($169 USD), HIDIZS MM2 ($79 USD), IKKO OH1S ($143 USD), and Tingker …
Views 20,254 TRI x HBB KAI is a pair of 79 USD, IEMS designed and produced by TRI with the added marketing that they got a tuning curve / Frequency Response or FR from HBB, a reviewer who does measurements on audio equipment. It has a DLC or Diamond like …
Salnotes Dioko IEMs – Reviewer Sonics
Views 25,672 Salnotes Dioko is a 99 USD pair of entry-level IEMS designed by Linsoul, 7Hz and Crinacle, a competitor reviewer. They have a 14.6mm planar driver, and a Double-Sided Array of N55 magnets. It will be compared to other entry-level IEMS, including IKKO OH1S (143 USD), Tingker TK300 (99 …
KZ AS16 PRO IEMs – Refinement Successful
Views 21,366 KZ AS16 PRO is a 56 USD IEM designed with 8 Balanced Armatures for each ear, and a superb cyan colored design. They come in black color too, with a remote on the cable, or a simple cable. Given their super entry-level pricing, there are few competitors suitable …
Westone Mach 60 IEMs – Triple Plan – Bass, Mids, and Treble
Views 38,980 Westone Mach 60 are a pair of IEMs priced at 1100 USD, currently found on sale for 879 USD, with 6 Balanced Armature Drivers, and a unique sound to match the super ergonomic design. They will be compared to other high-end and flagship IEMs, including Ambient Acoustics MAD16 …
Kotori Audio Dauntless IEMs – Bird’s Eye View
Views 23,737 Kotori Audio Dauntless is a 63 USD (United States Dollars) / 89 SGD or Singapore Dollars pair of IEMS on In-Ear Monitors, with a 10mm Dynamic Driver, 12.2 OHMs of impedance, and an ultra-low weight of 4.2 grams for each IEM shell. They will be compared to other …
HIDIZS MD4 IEMs – 4 Balanced Armatures For Fun
Views 23,698 HIDIZS MD4 is a 180 USD IEM or in-ear monitor with 4 Balanced armatures, 4 Tuning Styles, and a premium design. They will be compared to other high-quality IEMs, including HeartField Acoustic Deer (169 USD), 7Hz Eternal (249 USD), Lotoo LE-M1 (269 USD). Introduction HIDIZS is a …
Westone Audio Mach 40 IEMs – The Golden Age BA Party
Views 45,707 Westone Mach 40 is a 600 USD IEM or In-Ear Monitor, in the truthful sense of the word, being designed for actors, singers and musicians, having superior passive noise isolation from what you typically see out there, and a totally unique design. They will be compared to other …
FiR Audio Frontier Series NE4 – NEON 4 IEMs – Exceeding All Expectations
Views 44,728 FiR Audio NE4 IEMs are a pair of Universal IEMs that can also be bought as customs, priced at 2299 USD, and designed with a superb sonic quality for both musicians and audiophiles. They aren’t the priciest IEMS I review on Audiophile-Heaven, by a good margin actually, but …
SeekReal Airship IEMs – Bullet Speed Resolution
Views 33,730 SeekReal Airship is a 179 USD IEM or In-Ear Monitor with an aluminum casing, 10mm Dynamic Driver, and a promised balanced tuning sold and fulfilled by Linsoul Audio. They will be fully described in today’s review, and compared to other high-end IEMS, including HeartField Acoustic Deer IEMs (170 …
Astrotec AM850 MK2 IEMs – Renaissance In ACG
Views 29,174 Astrotec AM850 mk2 is a 169 USD IEM, designed as an upgrade for their original am850, which I reviewed on Audiophile-Heaven years ago. The new version has very little in common with the older one, now having an interchangeable nozzle design, optimized magnetic circuit system, detachable cables based …
Periodic Audio Ti V3 Titanium – Terminator Earphones
Views 31,571 Periodic Audio Ti v3 Titanium is a pair of high-end In Ear Monitors priced at 299 USD, made with a titanium driver coating, and a single dynamic driver. They are going to be compared to other high-quality IEMS in today’s review, including 7Hz Eternal (249 USD), Lotoo LE-M1 …
Sports & Outdo Mifo S ANC TWS Earphones – Edgy Music
Views 26,072 Sports & Outdo Mifo S is a 169 USD pair of TWS or True Wireless IEMs, with ANC or active noise canceling, with a really edgy design, long battery life, and super lightweight construction. They will be compared to other TWS IEMs around the price point, including, 1More …
Ambient Acoustics MAD16 IEMs – Crazy Music Colors
Views 37,975 Ambient Acoustics MAD16 is an in-ear monitor priced at 2500 USD, designed with 16 balanced armature drivers, under the Main Audio Destination naming scheme. Given the price point, they have to be compared to other flagship IEMs, including CTM Clear Tune Monitors Da Vinci IX (1800 USD), Unique …
1More EVO ANC TWS IEMs – Alien Design For Natural Music
Views 38,170 1More EVO ANC is a pair of Bluetooth TWS or True Wireless IEMS priced at 169 USD at the moment of writing today’s review, and they have LDAC technology, Sound ID EQ Options, along with a wireless audiophile sound. They will be compared to the best TWS IEMs …
RAPTGO HOOK-X Earphones – Mini Planar Drivers Rock!
Views 37,656 RAPTGO HOOK-X is an IEM priced at 239 USD, and features a planar magnetic driver combined with a bone conduction driver. They will be compared with other high quality IEMS, including XENNS Mangird Tea 2 (350 USD), LOTOO LE-M1 Monitoring IEMs (269 USD), and 7Hz Timeless (220 USD). …
Periodic Audio Be V3 Beryllium – Musicality Reigns Supreme
Views 31,422 Periodic Audio Be V3 Beryllium is an IEM or In-Ear Monitor priced at 399 USD, and it has a similar design to the rest of the Periodic Audio family, including Carbon, Magnesium and Titanium, and it will be compared to other high quality IEMS, including, Unique Melody 3DT …
Pamu Slide 2 ANC TWS IEMs – Magnetic Force
Views 31,728 Pamu Slide 2 is a new TWS IEM priced at 159 USD, made by Padmate Tech, as an upgrade to the original Pamu Slide Mini, which I reviewed on Audiophile-Heaven. They are currently in a pre-order phase on Indiegogo for about 80 USD, and given the price point, …
HeartField Acoustic Deer IEMs – The Woods Answer Music’s Call
Views 37,603 HeartFiled Acoustic Deer is a high-quality IEM priced at 169 USD, and will be compared in today’s written review with KB Ear Aurora (169 USD), Dunu Falcon PRO (220 USD), 7Hz Timeless (220 USD), and QoA Queen Of Audio Adonis (190 USD). Introduction Heartfiled is a new …
STE Ag W16 IEM Cable – Silver Brings Fresh Information
Views 36,191 STE AG W16 Cable for IEMs is a 580 USD option for those who are looking to improve their IEMs, designed with an ergonomic build, extremely similar to the STE Cu W16, which I reviewed in the past. Given the price point, STE AG W16 will be compared …
Xenns Mangird Tea2 – Orchestra From Outer Space
Views 39,216 Xenns Mangird Tea2 is a high-end IEM priced with your pockets in mind, at 349 USD, with 7 drivers for eac IEM, 6 BA and 1 Dynamic Driver, and which will will be compared throughout the review with other high-quality IEMs including Periodic Audio Carbon (500 USD), The …
IKKO OH2 Opal IEMs – Translucent Presentation
Views 40,986 IKKO OH2 Opal is a high-quality IEM for low budgets, priced at 79 USD, coming in multiple colors, and with a nice cable, so it will be compared to other popular entry-level IEMS, including Tingker TK300 (99 USD), FiiO FD3 (109 USD), TRN VX PRO (88 USD), and …
7Hz Eternal IEMs – Timeless Music Playing Now
Views 36,071 7Hz Eternal is an upper midrange IEM or In-Ear Monitor sold mainly on Linsoul, priced at 249 USD, with a huge 14.5mm dynamic driver, and which will be compared to other high quality IEMs such as FiiO FD5 (300 USD), Dunu Falcon PRO (220 USD), and ddHIFI Janus …
IMR Acoustics PRO Dark Matter (God Particle) – Universal Utopia Sounds
Views 48,407 IMR Acoustics PRO Dark Matter is an IEM priced at about 700 GBP or Great Britain Pounds, or about 910 USD, handmade by pros for pros, with two drivers, one dynamic and one bone conduction in its design. Given their price point, Dark Matter resides in the territory …