Views 36,121 Dita is a very well-known and loved company from Singapore working on state-of-the-art In-Ear Monitors, having introduced a few critically acclaimed models, like the Dita Answer Truth Edition we will be reviewing today. We’re looking at a flagship sporting one Dynamic Driver IEM skillfully created for it. …
IMR Acoustics R1 – Customizable Enjoyment
Views 46,968 IMR acoustics is one heck of a little IEM that comes with tunable sound with both filters and an option to change its design from closed to open. We’ll look into what it does best and what its downsides are today. Introduction We haven’t had …
Dunu Falcon-C – Clear, Vivid, Personal
Views 43,093 Dunu Falcon-C is a new model made by the Chinese company Dunu, and it comes at a sweet price spot and with a sound that promises to give us a new insight into music. We’re going to look into how it sounds and how it compares to DK-3001 …
Clear Tune Monitors’ Vintage Series VS-4 – Vintage Love for Music
Views 53,731 Clear Tune Monitors is a well-respected company from the USA creating and designing IEMs with utmost care. Their Vintage Series VS-4 IEMs are labeled as a vintage pair of IEMs with a modern sound, and we’re going to look into how they sound and what this means for …
Opus #1s – Vivid Dynamic Strong
Views 59,437 Opus #1s is the successor to Opus #1 from Opus, a rather large company from Korea, known already for having brought us Opus #2 and other amazing DAPs. #1s is their midrange DAP, and it is going to be interesting to see how it compares to other midrange …
FiiO F9 Pro – Harder, Better, Faster, FiiO
Views 67,408 FiiO made an updated version of their well-received FiiO F9 IEMs, this time using High-Quality Knowles BA drivers, giving the entire sound a new definition. The Bass driver is the same, but with better BA drivers taking care of the midrange and of the treble, F9Pro is surely …
AMP 3 and AMP 5 for iBasso DX200
Views 30,696 AMP 3 and AMP 5 for iBasso DX200 are some of the most interesting add-ons you can give a DAP as they give it a whole new sound with a lot to root for. We’ll explore what changes they bring to the sound of DX200 and which we …
Views 67,823 DX200 is iBasso’s Flagship DAP (Digital Audio Player), and it is here to show how much iBasso improved over the ears, and how their latest innovation sounds like. With an extreme hardware backing it, DX200 might be the DAP that will fulfill all your audio needs, as it …
HIFIMAN RE2000 – Amazing – Ample – Absolute
Views 54,072 HiFiMAN RE2000 brings a totally unique device to the market, their flagship and technological innovation. As it comes at a pretty hefty price point, RE2000 must provide one of the most amazing experiences audiophiles ever lived to justify its cost, being one of the most exquisite IEMs out …
Ultrasone Signature Studio – Exquisite – Eccentric – Excellent
Views 53,375 Ultrasone Headphones have always been in a league of their own, but their latest creation exceeds all expectations. Ultrasone Signature Studio is here to redefine Ultrasone’s position in the audio market. Introduction Ultrasone is a well-known and well-reputed headphone company from Bavaria, Germany, who has been creating …