Views 24,650 Ikko designed a new DAC/AMP with a pocket-friendly price point of 59 USD, under the Zerda naming. It features a high-quality decoding chip or DAC, and a magnetic detachable cable with a proprietary interface. The main competitors, given the price point, will be iBasso DC05 (69 USD), Soundmagic …
Earsonics ONYX IEMs – French Melody
Views 24,153 ONYX is the name of the latest high-end In Ear Monitor handmade in France by the French company Earsonics, priced at 490 EUROs or roughly 561 USD. This is a proof of art movement made by the company, trying to create the most affordable high-end IEM they could, …
Crosszone CZ-8A Hifi Headphones – Speaker Sound, Closed Back
Views 64,126 Crosszone CZ-8A is the latest headphone made by Crosszone, with 3 drivers, all of them dynamic, and in multiple sizes and are priced roughly 1700 USD, and mostly available on the Japanese and Asian markets. Those are some high-end over-the-ear flagship headphones with ingenious design, so they will …
7Hz Timeless Planar IEMS – Linsoul’s Ace Card
Views 43,706 7Hz Timeless is one of the hottest selling IEMs by Linsoul, and priced at 220 USD, with planar driver technology, and with a really engaging sound. It will be compared to other hot selling IEMs or Earphones like Unique Melody 3DT / 3D Terminator (400 USD), Mangird Tea …
HIFIMAN Arya Stealth Magnet Headphones – Exceedingly Musical
Views 76,393 You’re never too young nor too old to know about the truth of Arya, or the “:Noble One:”. Today’s headphone is a rework of the good old trusty Arya that I reviewed a while ago, and today’s 2021 version has the new Stealth Magnets technology from HIFIMAN, and …
ddHifi Janus IEMs – Two Faced Soldier
Views 27,552 ddHifi Janus Climbs to the top, it’s the IEM that can use both 2-Pin and MMCX connectors, a two faced joker in my review list. The official name can be a handful, as it’s also called E2020A. It comes with a really nice default cable, and is priced …
Sendy Audio Peacock – Flagship Of Music
Views 73,459 Sendy Audio Peacock is the latest headphone from Sendy Audio and it is priced at about 1500 USD at the moment of writing this full written review (USA), and 1750 USD (Europe after taxes). The main comparisons will be with Kennerton Thror (3000 USD), Audeze LCD MX4 (3000 …
MU6 Ring Bone / Air Conduction Earbud – Sport or Stop
Views 40,668 MU6 ring is an air conduction earbud thingy that is supposed to sit on your ear and provide music, and is priced at 80 USD at the moment of writing this full written review. Given the fact that I do not know of anything that is in the …
Ocean Digital WR-50CD CD Player / Receiver / Internet Radio – A Little Bit Of Everything
Views 44,731 The device I am going to review today does a little bit of everything, from playing CDs, to playing from a microSD card, Has internet radio, bluetooth receiver, DAB Internet Radio, FM Radio, has a headphone output, RCA Line Out, and probably still has functions I do not …
HIDIZS MS2 Rainbow IEMs – Multitude Of Colorful Sounds
Views 69,975 If you’re looking for beautiful IEMS, look no further, with Ms2 Rainbow being probably the most beautiful IEM you can get without spending a fortune. They cost about 90 USD at the moment of writing this review, and they are going to be compared with iBasso IT01X (120 …
Optimisation Elements OElements Tita IEMs – BA Snap and Snap!
Views 70,655 Tita, and I hope autocorrect won’t turn this to t*ts, is an IEM made by Optimisation Elements, and it is based on a single Balanced Armature, priced at 170 USD, when you order it with the cable too. It is a direct competitor to the Spring 2 IEMs …
Shanling M3X Music Player – Refine The Refined
Views 59,928 Shanling M3X is a high-end DAP priced at 340 USD, with one microSD slot, Balanced output, MQA support, and up to 23 hours of battery life from a single charge. The main competition is going to include iBasso DX160, FiiO M11 PRO, Shanling M2X, and iFi xDSD. M3X …
Zoom H5 Portable Handy Recorder – Beast Of A Mic
Views 40,050 Zoom H5 is a portable handy recorder / microphone, and it is priced at about 280 USD. I’ve been using it for months now, and it has been the source of audio in my videos, before being replaced with a Zoom F6, so today’s review will focus on …
Qualiton APR204 Preamplifier – Rev My Engine
Views 54,596 Qualiton APR204 is a Preamplifier made by a Hunarian company, the country known as Romania’s Best Friend, so I’ll be extra cautious to be perfectly neutral and objective towards it. The APR204 Preamplifier is priced at 2300 EUR, or 2300 USD, and it will get paired with a …
NxEars Basso – Long Awaited, But Welcome
Views 29,485 NXEars Basso is an IEM made with 4 Balanced Armatures, a real copper face plate, and an MMCX Removable cable. They are priced at about 550 USD at the moment of writing this review, so they will be compared to fierce competition like iBasso IT07, Jomo Audio P3 …
Verum One MK II Headphones – Eastern Champion
Views 29,534 Verum One is a full sized over-the-ear planar magnetic headphone, priced at 350 USD. This makes them an upper midrange headphone, and they will be compared to other upper midrange headphones like HIFIMAN Deva, Sivga P2, Dan Clark Aeon Flow RT, and Verum One MK I. Pairings will …
Fostex TM-2 Bluetooth TWS IEMs – Audiophile Sports
Views 26,195 Fostex TM-2 is a TWS IEM that actually goes for and achieves the dream of the TWS world. It is priced at 300 USD at the moment of writing this full written review, but can be found at 200 USD in multiple locations, and they will be compared …
Smyth A16 Realiser Headstand DAC / AMP – 3D Stage For Everyone
Views 76,890 Smyth A16 Realiser is a really unique product that deserves a longer and more complex review than my typical takes. It is priced at around 4000 USD at the moment of writing this full review, it is basically a DAC / AMP / DSP processor for 3D sound. …
Audeze Euclid Planar IEMs – Closed Back Magnificence
Views 69,938 When a company decides to go all-in and work for years on a single IEM, they create something like Euclid. This is what absolute high-end looks and sounds like, and they are priced at 1300 USD, so they will get compared to other flagship IEMs like Campfire Dorado …
Lotoo Paw 6000 DAP Music Player – Excellence In Audio
Views 50,752 Lotoo Paw 6000 is the kind of DAP with a Touchscreen that makes me want to get it and use it every day, thanks to its simplistic yet really effective GUI or Graphical User Interface. It has tons of features, and it is priced at 1200 USD at …
HarmonicDyne Zeus – Delicate Response, Musical Attack
Views 36,395 A 50 mm Dynamic Driver coated in Beryllium, with a comfortable fit, Linsoul’s full support, and a beautiful design will make the Zeus a headphone to enjoy for years. Given their pocket-friendly price of about 350 USD, this mini flagship will be compared to HIFIMAN Deva, Sivga P-II, …
Rebel AMP Headphone Amplifier – Green For Win
Views 74,416 I always said it is time to rebel against the system, and someone finally did, by building the Rebel AMP. They rebelled against all those big time companies making headphone amps, by making something which should overtake them, despite being made by a single guy. Rebel AMP is …
Unique Melody 3DT (3D Terminator) – Sound Stage Exploded
Views 60,125 There’s something about Unique Melody that makes them one of the best IEM companies out there every single time we make a rank. They always made interesting IEMs, and 3DT is unique because it features three independent Dynamic Drivers. Just think about this! They cost about 400 USD …
Campfire Dorado 2020 IEMs – Detailed, Playful, Perfect
Views 44,113 Dorado 2020 is my favorite IEM thus far in 2020, and that is no surprise, since I stated it a few times online. It costs about 1100 USD, and it features two drivers, one custom Balanced Armature, and one 10mm ADLC Dynamic Driver. Given the price, Dorado2020 will …
Rhapsodio Zombie IEMs – Bass Cannon Double Boost
Views 62,215 What do you hear from something that comes back from the dead?! That’s the question we’re going to try to answer today, with the review subject being Rhapsodio Zombie, a review I am doing so late you may consider me a zombie too. The MSRP or official price …