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Elipson W35 Xi Bluetooth Speaker – Absolute Sphere Connected Sound

Elipson W35 Xi Bluetooth Speaker – Absolute Sphere Connected Sound

Elipson W35 Xi is a 699 Euro / $750 USD High-End Flagship Bluetooth Speaker designed as a sphere, coming to take the wireless market by surprise, and in this review we will study the design, placement, usage, and how it sounds like. Given the price point, it competes directly to the best high-end Multiroom and HIFI Wireless speakers that I have reviewed in the past, so we will also compare it to Rubyoung R830 Stereo HIFI Speaker (749 USD), Vifa Copenhagen 2 (700 USD), and a passive pair of NHT C3 (1249 USD), powered by an integrated DAC AMP from the Entry-Level Range, SMSL AO300 (289 USD). 



Elipson Audio is a huge name in the Home Theater and even in the Audiophile world, but it is less covered by Headphone and Portable centric reviewers as they typically make HIFI and stereo products. The company was founded in 1938, and the aim has always been to create speakers and setups that sound as transparent and clear as possible, without imposing a character on the sound. The Sphere design is Elipson’s signature, and they have multiple variants of Spheres, which are all designed for a magical sound, as a sphere will inherently have a different resonance than a cubic speaker. Part of Elipson’s products are made in France, in Saint-Fargeau Burgundy, and especially for the high-end and vinyl ranges, the company has a dedicated team for the craftwork. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases, and using the purchase links in my reviews helps me maintain this website and Youtube Channel. A huge thanks to Elipson for providing us with the sample for this review.

PROs – Superb transparency and resolution, Extreme levels of detail, Excellent soundstage and a holographic sound, Everything is veil-free and balanced, there’s a natural tonality combined with a snappy impulse response and the whole sound is simply addictive. The connectivity options are great, you can power it from Phones, Windows PC, via Aux, Optical, bluetooth or Ethernet. The app is great now, stable and works very well. No background noise or self noise while no music is playing, and it does not grow hot during usage. 

Cons – Balanced tonality has a prominent and forward midrange with a flatter bass and a smoother treble, which is different from most Bluetooth speakers that are V-Shaped. 


Product Link

You can grab one here – https://amzn.to/4eIyGAQ


Build Quality / Aesthetics

The Absolute Sphere looks exactly as you’d expect, it is a large spherical speaker, with a weight of 8 KGs. We actually took it outdoors and this was the first time I was actually happy I started lifting because taking a ball with no handles outdoors can be a challenge for photo work. On the bright side, the fabric on the speaker looks beautiful, and so does the central aluminium ring, with the five buttons on the front adorning and giving it a visual interest, above the Elipson logo in the centre. While it may not sound like much, the whole speaker is a sphere with a 350mm diameter, and it is rather large and sturdy in person. 

To power the Speaker we use the included 2-Pin cable, which is a very standard power cable, and you can always purchase a longer length if needed, plus an Aux cord to connect the speaker to your source. Speaking of connections, I have to give Elipson a huge thumbs up for including so many connectivity options on the W35 Xi, as we have wired Aux, Optical S/PDIF, and Ethernet inputs, but also Wifi and Bluetooth. 


The speaker has a larger foot at the bottom, and there are certain accessories available for it, including a wall mount, and a tripod that you can purchase, but the base version at this point comes with just the speaker. You can place it basically anywhere as it is very stable, and despite it being an almost perfect ball, the base will keep it from rolling on a desk, even if placed on a surface that is not perfectly flat. 

You’ll be getting sound from two pairs of drivers, so 4 drivers in total, with two Mid Woofers, 6.5″ in size, with High Power Handling, large magnets and large excursion, and with two drivers 1″ in size, with a high-quality silk dome, with a special heatsink at the back for better cooling. The quoted frequency response is between 47 Hz and 22 kHz, and this is an active speaker, so there is an amplifier and DAC inside as well. 


Getting the W35 Xi Absolute Sphere up and running is an easy task thanks to the well designed software part, and to the Elipson Multiroom app, which connects to basically all the streaming apps out there, including internet Radio. We also have support for Spotify Connect, Chromecast and AirPlay 2. Bluetooth gets up and running right away, and everything works perfectly with the Elipson W35 Xi, including the app. 


Usage / Placement

One of the most surprising parts about using the W35 Xi at home is that what I noticed about it at High-End Munich this year, has been amplified a thousand times in my acoustically treated room. This is one speaker you can place anywhere, even fully to your left or to your right, and it will still fill the entire room with music and sound, you can have it behind you or in front of you and the sound has soundstage, depth and instrument separation all the same. The lateral dispersion is thus excellent, and far better than any speaker I have heard to date. The ideal listening cone is about 150 degrees, and a single speaker creates stereo sound. 

The vertical dispersion is also far better, and keeping the W35 Xi Absolute sphere on the floor, at ear level or far above will sound different, only only slightly, and the sound is still excellent and enjoyable. Connecting the speaker Via Bluetooth sounds about as good as connecting it via wired, although the Optical connection or the Ethernet / Wireless data streaming will have the best overall sound. The wired Aux connection sounds crisp and detailed, but here the DAC powering the sound will have a word to say too. 

For gaming and real time movie watching, the Aux 3.5mm input is the one with the lowest latency, the Optical having a bit more, but still below 30 ms, or a single frame (this will depend on your soundcard as well), and with Bluetooth having the standard BT delay. The musical and fluid sound, with the holographic soundstage will work wonders for game soundtracks, although the speaker would have to be ideally right in front of you for the perfect stereo placement, if you want to play competitively and accurately hear where the footsteps are coming from during a FPS game. 


The signature is also slightly different between the inputs, with the bluetooth having the usual Bluetooth compression, although not very noticeable, and the Optical sounding a bit softer, while Ethernet, Wifi and Aux inputs sound the most revealing, most detailed and generally the most dynamic. You can populate all inputs at the same time and there will be no loss in resolution, clarity or 


Sound Quality

Overall Signature – As Elipson W35 Xi Absolute Sphere is a speaker, there will be a Burn-In effect and with more listening, the sound will improve, it will open up and get more dynamic, more punchy and more revealing, as the drivers start moving and going for their natural excursion. This will take around 100 hours, after which the W35 Xi will sound like the most dynamic, most punchy speaker you’ve heard, although the speed of the drivers is what impressed me from the first second I heard it, the sound is lightning fast, it can reveal details and information that even bookshelf or tower speakers don’t reveal. Background instruments are complete, rich, the midrange is very rich and transparent, while the tonality is transparent and natural. The treble is on the smoother side, different from what Triangle, a different French company, goes for. This means that as with most reviews, it is much better to read about the product you’re interested in than reading a review for a different product then guessing that the company did a similar thing or assuming a signature solely based on the country of origin and such. Elipson creates what I am willing to name the most revealing and transparent sounding Stereo Single Speaker I’ve heard to date, and I’m really thankful to know this kind of sound is even possible from a speaker that is a single unit. There is zero background noise coming from the amplifier, no hissing and when no music is playing, the W35 Xi is absolutely quiet. 

Bass – The bass extension of the Elipson W35 Xi goes down to about 50 Hz Hz for my ears, which is in line with what the best 6.5″ drivers can achieve. The bass extension will depend on the room size, acoustic treatment, and burn-in, smaller rooms, acoustic treatment, and proper burn-in will give bass more depth and more power. The bass is never overpowering, but it is present, as W35 Xi will present a slightly warm and pleasing low-end. The speed and resolution of the bass is far more evident and this is where I think the Absolute Sphere excels, it produces a bass that’s speedy, reveals micro textures and micro information really well, giving a proper body and impact to all instruments I hear through it. The balanced tuning makes the bass balanced to neutral in quantity relative to the midrange, so while you will hear and feel the low-end, it will be as much as you’d expect from a truly balanced and almost neutral tuning. 

Midrange – The midrange is where the speaker is most forward, and it seems like the transparent tuning really shines through, as W35 xi sounds open, detailed, and clear, with both male and female voices being produced perfectly, with a rich, evident background layer, and a punchy forward layer of instruments. Separation between background and forward voices is perfect, and W35 Xi is able to present complex songs not just properly, but beautifully, with lead guitars sounding open, holographic and realistic in tonality. The midrange tonality is one of the best I’ve heard regardless of the price range, it is simply perfect for bands like Accept, then listening to Vocaloid music, then going to some Dimmu Borgir, and then to Jill Tracy. It is a speaker that will allow you to explore music in a whole new perspective of layering and resolution. Spoken words make far more sense with W35 Xi than with most speakers, so you can expect mumble rap and rap in general to sound clean and coherent, everything will be easy to understand, and this sound has what I am willing to call a zero veil tuning, with absolute transparency as a strong focal point. 

Dynamics / PRaT / Textures – The whole sound is quick and snappy with W35 Xi, so you can expect one of the most evident textures out there in bass, midrange and even in the treble, but it is not overly harsh, rather the texture is kept natural, transparent, offering exactly what I’d expect most instruments to sound like, from drums all the way to cymbal crashes, to guitars and even voices, everything sounds simply perfectly natural with the Absolute Sphere. Bass speed is one of the fastest I’ve heard from a large speaker, so there’s far more nuance and more bass sounds coming from the W35 Xi than I’ve heard in most speakers, all of which have a fairly clean cut resonance point that will be evident with most songs. The fast impulse response makes blowing instruments sound natural, including trumpets, and larger tubas, or flutes, which is really evident in folk and classical music. 

Soundstage – Despite it being a single speaker, W35 Xi produces a really wide and holographic sound, and while I did test it in unusual and exaggerated positions, it works well even if it is off-centre, so you will get soundstage, layering and instrument separation at all times. There are atmospheric songs such as Divine Heresy – Darkness embedded, where the beautiful guitar simply travels through the whole soundstage, and where the layering is so spot-on that you hear every single layer of music, from the background clean guitars, to the drums and special effects in the middle, and the forward voices clearly and well separated from the lead guitars. 

Volume Control – The Absolute Sphere is a speaker you will be able to take very loud, but given the transparent and clean sound, it is not exactly the boombox to keep a party entertained, and this tuning / signature works best for background listening, movie or music listening. The maximum loudness reaches more than 110 dB, which is excellent, and there is no real preference for louder or quieter volumes. I did not notice the speaker or any component growing warm or hot. Basically, the volume control is perfect, with no large difference in sound, tuning or resolution / dynamics between high and low listening volumes. 

Treble – The whole sound is complimented by a smoother treble, which extends as high as 20 kHz, but has the good will to not intrude on the midrange and the bass, it is present, it gives flavour and colour to the whole sound, keeps air and excitement levels up, but it is not the central element of the sound. While the bass and the midrange are flat relative to each other, and about in the same amount, the treble is also balanced, and about at the same level as them. The quality of the treble is very good, and the characteristic silk driver sound is evident, with superb musicality and refinement, a silkier, smoother sound to keep the W35 Xi fatigue-free at all times. 



Elipson W35 Xi Absolute Sphere vs Vifa Copenhagen 2 (750 USD vs 700 USD)

Build – Vifa Copenhagen takes far less space on a desk, especially if mounted near a wall, and it has a battery, so technically it gains some ground. The company doesn’t seem to exist anymore though, and from what I understand they are now run by a ghost company, so Copenhagen 2 is not necessarily available for purchase from the same people anymore. Both speakers use fabric and metal, and both are designed to be futuristic pieces of furniture. Elipson W35 Xi has more connectivity options, including Ethernet, Optical and it tends to sound better on the Bluetooth input too, although both are great over the aux input. 

Sound – Sonically, Copenhagen 2 is a tighter sounding speaker, and it is more direction, you have to have the speaker aimed at you, and for it to be frontal to you for a good sound, plus the vertical dispersion is much lower, so with Copenhagen if it is too much below or above you, the sound won’t be great. In stark contrast, W35 Xi sounds crisp, sharp and detailed even if it is placed far above or below you, it sounds crisp and detailed even if it is placed somewhere around you not even trying to be in front of you, and it fills a room with more sound. The signature and tuning of the Copenhagen 2 is more v-Shaped with more Bass, more treble, and a far less natural midrange, although both speakers have strong details, contrast and a good clarity. The soundstage of the W35 Xi is much wider, more holographic, instrument separation is much better and the overall presentation is more airy. Overall, Copenhagen 2 has more bass, but sounds smaller and more intimate, while W35 Xi sounds wide and holographic with exceptional clarity and detail, but more linear and neutral. 


Elipson W35 Xi Absolute Sphere vs NHT C3 Driven by SMSL AO300 (750 USD vs 1249 USD + 289 USD)

Build – This system is very different, but both systems need to be at home to be enjoyed. NHT C3 has far less lateral and vertical dispersion and will sound much better if placed properly, in a equilateral triangle with the listener, with the speakers facing the listener, and about at the same level, while W35 Xi can be placed in a corner of the room, and the sound will still be excellent. Both setups can produce high SPL, but ironically, W35 Xi can push a bit more before distorting, as the airtight design of NHT C3 doesn’t allow quite as much volume to be pushed. 

Sound – Sonically, the soundstage of the W35 Xi is wider, more airy and more holographic, while the detail and resolution is comparable, if not quite a bit better on the W35 Xi. The amplifier quality matters a lot here, but I wanted to keep the price of the comparison element low, because I could slap a Keces S300+ on NHT C3, but that would bump the price to over 4500 USD, and the comparison isn’t relevant anymore, as the price performance ratio of W35 Xi is an important element of their design. Both setups have a neutral bass, but NHT C3 has a sharper more aggressive treble, while W35 Xi sounds a bit more refined and more relaxed, more airy and more natural. The actual listening experience is great with both, and a well placed NHT C3 will win in imaging, but the convenience of the Absolute Sphere is hard to match when it comes to not caring where you speaker is placed in the room. 


Elipson W35 Xi Absolute Sphere vs Rubyoung R830 (750 USD vs 749 USD)

Build – This is I think the most fair comparison from today’s list, and my wife is actually still using the R830 as her daily driver speaker on her smaller setup, so I can vouch that despite the odd name, R830 is a proper listening magician. Both speakers have a sturdy design, R830 is less spherical and more of a cube with drivers, while the Absolute Sphere is a magical ball. R830 is far more directional, and also needs constant power, but it needs to be aimed at you, it has to be more or less right in the centre of your listening range, and it also needs to be at your level vertically, otherwise the sound is quickly lost and degraded. W35 Xi comes with far more connectivity options, better support for Bluetooth and Streaming and it is generally more fun to use around the house as it doesn’t need a careful placement and it simply works. 

Sound – Sonically, the two are pretty much opposite, with the Absolute Sphere being airy, atmospheric, holographic, wide and the stereo effect being very strong, while R830 sounds focused, with a punchy and deep bass, and a sharper treble, but a recessed midrange and a more intimate soundstage. Both are great for listening to music, and R830 will keep a party lit, while W35 Xi will create a proper atmosphere with music and make you go WOW when it comes to the clarity and width it has. 


Value and Conclusion

With a price point of 750 USD or 699 EURO, the speaker seemed like it was asking for a premium price at first, but after hearing it and after having spent proper time with it, I think it is actually an excellent value, it offers what many other whole systems fail to deliver, including that excellent transparency, connectivity, a beautiful form factor, and above everything a pleasing sound that will keep you entertained and engaged for many hours to come, without ever reaching for the stop button. 

At the end of the day, if you’re looking for mad good musicality, excellent sonics, and a snappy, quick impulse response, balanced tuning and ultimate transparency, all in the shape of a single stereo and holographic sounding speaker, there is none better than the Elipson W35 Xi Absolute Sphere which I can say without a second thought I love to bits and have enjoyed greatly during this review and will continue enjoying for years to come. 


Product Link

You can grab one here – https://amzn.to/4eIyGAQ


Technical Specifications 

Type – Active stereo 2-way close speaker

Drivers- Midrange/Bass: 2 × 165 mm, high power handling with oversized magnetic assembly for extended excursion, Tweeter: 2 × 25 mm high-quality silk dome with heat dissipator at the back of the magnet for better cooling

Frequency Response – (± 3dB) 47 Hz – 22 kHz

Inputs – Analog AUX (mini-jack 3.5 mm), Digital optical S/PDIF, Ethernet RJ 45

Voltage – 110 / 240 V

Supported Audio Formats – MP3, WMA, WAV, FLAC, AIFF, ALAC (Apple Lossless), up to 24 bits / 192 kHz

Network – Wi-Fi, Multiroom, 2.4GHz / 5GHz IEEE 802.11 b/g/n, Ethernet

Simultaneous streaming to multiple devices, up to 10 rooms (depending on network quality)

Bluetooth – Bluetooth v5.0 Formats: EDR, BLE

Connectivity – AirPlay 2, Chromecast, Multiroom, Spotify Connect, Elipson Multiroom App, 

Finish – Black acoustic fabric, Matte black aluminum ring

Dimensions – Ø 350 mm 

Net Weight – 7.6 kg

--- Please remember to stay safe, and always have fun while listening to music!---

 - If you have a dime to spare, please donate, and help us! It would make the day brighter for me and my wife- 

Full Playlist used for this review

We listened to more songs than those named in this playlist, but those are excellent for identifying a sonic signature.  I recommend trying most of the songs from this playlist, especially if you’re searching for new music! The playlists are different for Spotify, Tidal and Youtube, and based on the songs I enjoy and are available on each!




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