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Tronsmart Mirtune C2 Bluetooth Speaker – Single Dance Party

Tronsmart Mirtune C2 Bluetooth Speaker – Single Dance Party

Tronsmart Mirtune C2 is a $39 USD Bluetooth speaker designed for portability, having both IPX7 Waterproofing rating, Potential for Stereo Pairing, and even a huge 3600 mAh Extended battery inside. Today we will review the Mirtune C2 and how it sounds like with multiple music styles, as well as in multiple scenarios. 



Tronsmart is a company that pushes the envelope when it comes to creating the most affordable speakers, whilst keeping a sonic quality that is as good as possible, construction quality that is great, and their products are available for sale on a wide selection of shops and sources, including Amazon, Aliexpress, the Tronsmart online shop, and more. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases, and using the purchase links in my reviews helps me maintain this website and Youtube Channel. Tronsmart provided the sample for this review, in exchange for my honest opinion. 

PROs – Good detail, build quality and materials. Pretty loud without distortions at max 75% of volume, price is really low and it has a strong Bluetooth connection, as I experienced no interruptions. Long battery life and line input support. 

Cons – Bass rolls off below almost 100 Hz, Sharp and Bright sound, only SBC support, no EQ or software support. 


Product Link

Amazon – https://amzn.to/4g6Avs0

Aliexpress – https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_Dem9j1l


Build Quality / Aesthetics

If you’ve seen one bluetooth speaker that’s shaped like a cone, you likely have seen them all, as all Bluetooth speakers in the entry-level range go for a similar design, but some of them like Mirtune C2 go one step further when it comes to the build quality and the specifications. First off, we have a 360 Surround sound, which is achieved by having two drivers on each side of the speaker, and both the base and the top are passive bass radiators that move to create sound.

As it is now expected from Bluetooth speakers, we have IPX7 Waterproofing, and the speaker is ultra portable and durable, with a hard mesh material on top which is hard to damage. You can pair two of those Mirtune C2 Speakers in a stereo combo or use a single speaker to enjoy music. There is a rope attached to it so that you can attach it to a hoist mechanism, backpack or bike, so you can have music on-the-go without even looking or holding the C2 Mirtune. 

The charging time is around 4 hours, which is quite long, but the battery life at 50% volume is around 24 hours, which is one of the longest battery lives I’ve seen for a Bluetooth speaker. The actual battery life if you’re using it at max is around 9 hours, but that is still leaps ahead of what we typically get with those speakers. The weight is kept low at 520 Grams, while the charging is done via a Type-C port. There’s a built-in microphone for taking phone calls, which is of a very decent quality, and Bluetooth signal strength has been solid and reliable in my tests. 

Even leaving Mirtunbe C2 without use for weeks seems to have only drained 10% of the battery, so all in all the quality of the battery is great. Both sides that have a passive speaker also have an LED ring around them, which is purple in colour and can have multiple effects, although for mosty people I expect those to be left off. Currently, the Tronsmart app does not recognize C2 and you can only use the speaker to configure it. No EQ or other options are available, and the Bluetooth protocol used is bare SBC. This being siad, it is made really well, with no large gaps in the build, and the speaker feels solid. There is a line in input and a line in cable included with it, and also a TF card slot, but I have not been able to get it to work with the card I typically use for reviews. 


Sound Quality

Overall Signature – The sources I have used for driving the Tronsmart Mirtune C2 Bluetooth speaker have been either my Smasung S23 Ultra smartphone, or my wife’s Huawei P30 PRO, as both of them sound similar, and the Line Input, while a nice novelty, will not be used by most customers considering a 39 USD Bluetooth speaker. Sonically, Mirtune C2 sounds fairly sharp, bright and shouty, with a strong contrast, compressed dynamic range and fairly detailed sound. C2 has a separate volume from the smartphone, so you have to max both the smartphone volume and the C2 volume if you want to go max, but that should not be needed. Maximum volume is insanely high, but also fairly distorted, maximum controlled volume being around 75% of smartphone volume with C2 set at max, or set the smartphone at max and press a couple of – keys on C2. 

Bass – Bass starts at around 95 Hz, with no bass present below this, which creates a fairly bright and sharp sound, as there is no low-end extension to match the midrange and the treble. Both the active drivers and the passive drivers are too small to produce bass or impact, and the bass is fairly absent. The speaker tries to produce something, but you’re online to hear anything, but a trick I learned is that it can make a desk resonate, so if you place it upright on a wooden desk, you will get a bit of extra bass. Even above 100 Hz, the bass is linear-neutral with very little extra oomph and punch, or quantity. 

Midrange – Mirtune C2 produces a sharp, musical and clean midrange with a beautiful female voice, but a thin male voicing, owed to the fact that the bass roll off starts too high to produce depth and volume for male voices. This kind of sound works well for pop music, certain rap music with female voices, artists like Pussycat Dolls, Lady Gaga, and music that is generally mixed and mastered for radio. Music that relies a lot on bass will lack impact, while rock and metal can be really bright and shouty, both due to the dynamic compression and the bright sound with no bass. 

Treble – Treble extends up to about 9 kHz, above which it rolls-off. There’s a metallic tinge to the treble, and it is slightly grainy, with a stronger lower treble than upper treble, creating a sharp, contrasty sound with a good perceived detail and clarity. 

Dynamics / PRaT / Textures – Dynamic range is ultra compressed at all volumes, with next to no dynamic range, but this aids to the perceived detail being increased, so you can hear everything the speaker can reveal in all environments. For a speaker made for outdoor usage, this is rather good. 

Volume Control – Volume control is good up to 75%, above which the distortion quickly increases rendering the Mirtune C2 clipping. The sound is also quite different at different volume levels, with a bright, sharp and flat sound at low volumes, and a more colourful, more contrasty sound, more detailed sound at medium volumes, where the speaker sounds best. 

Soundstage – While this kind of speaker cannot produce an actual soundstage, it can and will produce layering, with a distinction between the foreground and the background layer. If you want to get the widest sound possible, keep it close to a wall with one of the sides pointing at you, and the other side pointed at the wall. Even so, there really isn’t much of a soundstage, but the two physical speakers are stereo, so if you keep Mirtune C2 with the symbols / playback buttons pointed at you, your ears will hear a stereo sound. 



Value and Conclusion

While I am slowly transcending to not reviewing entry-level products anymore, due to the fast speed and competitiveness of the market, Tronsmart is and will be a strong player here. Mirtune C2 is a great example of what can be had right now for an entry-level pricing, solid quality, sonic quality, and above everything a great overall experience. I personally feel that in the entry-level range, the market moves too fast and by the time I actually finish a review some products even go out of production, so I will slowly focus on the midrange, and high-end segments only, but if once in a while a product with long-term support will appear, I will try to cover it, and Tronsmart generally has a long life cycle for their products, so you can expect support for the Tronsmart Mirtune C2 to be present even for a few years. 

At the end of the day, if you’re looking for a colourful, solid and practical bluetooth speaker that will sound great regardless of where you keep it and how you hold it, Tronsmart Mirtune C2 is an excellent choice for anyone who’s on the go and wants to share their sound with their friends. 


Product Link

Amazon – https://amzn.to/4g6Avs0

Aliexpress – https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_Dem9j1l

--- Please remember to stay safe, and always have fun while listening to music!---

 - If you have a dime to spare, please donate, and help us! It would make the day brighter for me and my wife- 

Full Playlist used for this review

We listened to more songs than those named in this playlist, but those are excellent for identifying a sonic signature.  I recommend trying most of the songs from this playlist, especially if you’re searching for new music! The playlists are different for Spotify, Tidal and Youtube, and based on the songs I enjoy and are available on each!




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