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iBasso DC07PRO HiFi DAC/AMP – Master Piece Awaken Boost

iBasso DC07PRO HiFi DAC/AMP – Master Piece Awaken Boost

iBasso DC07PRO is a $199 USD portable DAC and Headphone Amplifier designed for those who want a high amount of power, high precision and an array of Quad DACs for their portable setup. In this written review we will explore the DC07PRO, how it sounds like, and how briefly compare it to other similarly priced DAC/AMPs, including ifi hip-dac 3 (199 USD), Shanling H2 (169 USD), and Aune Yuki (179 USD). 



I recently just came back from my short but adventurous trip to Albania, so it will likely come as a surprise that I decided to not take a larger headphone amplifier or DAC, but relied on the iBasso DC07 PRO for the entire trip. Today we will explore why I took that decision, what you can expect from the DC07 PRO and if it makes a good purchase for anyone looking to get a high-end DAC/AMP. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases, and using the purchase links in my reviews helps me maintain this website and Youtube Channel. Huge thanks to iBasso for providing us with the sample for this review. 

PROs – Excellent build quality, no APK needed for Android or iPhone, High resolution support natively on Android, works well with Tidal, and other music apps, high driving power for the balanced headphone output, no noticeable hissing and background noise with IEMs, wide and holographic soundstage, contrasty, detailed sound, with good resolution, high price / performance ratio. 

Cons – At this price point, no cons. 


Product Link

Amazon – https://amzn.to/4d0dUuw

Aliexpress – https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_Dk4AVw7


Build Quality/Aesthetics

Physically, iBasso DC07PRO is very similar to all the other dongle DAC/AMPs, having the standard rectangular shape, with a volume wheel, a Type-C USB input, and two headphone outputs, one in the 4.4mm balanced format, and one in the 3.5mm single ended format. DC07 PRO is a high-quality product, but as iBasso highlights, it has a few strong points that make it the ideal dongle DAc/AMP, including Premium sound Quality, and top measurements, a THD+N of 0.00098%, which is lower than most dongle DACs available on the market today. 

Combine the low distortion with a low power consumption, and DC07PRO makes an excellent dongle to take when you want your phone to survive, like on a plane trip, or on a long vacation. iBasso made sure that DC07PRO draws as little as just 80mA from a smartphone, low enough that it will barely change the battery life of your phone. This being said, DC07PRO can drive headphones with high power, having up to 430mW + 430mW for an impedance of 32 OHMs, and it also has an OLED display that shows the current volume. 

iBasso has recently developed their own in-home FPGA controllers, and they combine them with KDS Femtosecond oscillators for the DC07PRO, driving an array of 4 CS43131 DACs, which is as advanced as even high-end DAPs offer. The OLED display consumes very little power, and is 0.96″ in size, enough for you to see the current volume and data rate. If you’re afraid of noise, you can put your weary soul at ease, as DC07PRO has a noise floor of 760nV, which will not be audible with any Headphones or IEMs. 

The Dynamic range is ultra-low at 134 dB, while the FRequency response goes from 10 Hz to 80kHz with a minimal deviation of 0.5dB. Given that iBasso uses their own FPGA technology, DC07PRO supports data rates up to 32 Bit / 768kHz, and DSD up to DSD512. The DC-DC converter has a power conversion efficiency of up to 94%, and the power supply supports an ultra-low noise LDO, dedicated for the analog circuits, with a PSRR of up to 100 dB, to ensure that the power reaching DC07PRO is pure. 

The shell of DC07PRO is CNC Machined, and iBasso has been listening to customer feedback, employing OLED screens in their devices, including the newly announced DX340. Build quality is flawless, as you’d expect, but the volume wheel is super useful when you have a collection that has a varied volume between songs, like basically any mix out there. If you need to use DC07PRO as a Transport, it can output digital signals up to 32 Bit / 768 kHz. It is compatible with both Android and iPhone, no apps are needed, and all features are directly accessible from DC07PRO. 

On a subjective level, the usage is flawless, but it does have its own internal volume, so please remember to set the smartphone at max volume to get the best sonic performance.  The sound of the balanced output is much better than the sound of the SE output, but that’s the standard with all DAC/AMPs released recently. Something which is not heavily advertised by iBasso but I found to be eye-opening is that their FPGA implementation has a far higher performance for the digital filters than most Delta-Sigma designs, and you will hear a rather large difference between the sonic filters, so it is a handy feature to play with. 


USB DAC / Gaming

Using the DC07PRO as a USB DAC AMP works perfectly, there is no USB DAC delay of any kind, no weird popping noises or pauses noises that cause issues. DC07PRO can work flawlessly with Tidal, including Tidal Offline on android, and with my Samsung S23 Ultra I found it to be perfect for listening to high resolution tracks. While most dongle DACs do not receive Hi-Res information well with all smartphones, DC07PRO works out of the box, no special permissions, no APKs needed. 

To be honest, until now I have not heard a big difference between high resolution files and redbook flac files, but DC07PRO in particular has shown me just how much better high resolution music can sound, during my fateful plane trip from Bucharest to Tirana. 

The gaming experience of the DC07PRO is excellent, it has a wide soundstage, precise instrument separation and great imaging, so you get a good perspective of where a sound is coming from and DC07PRO allows you to enjoy both fast action games, and Visual Novels and atmospheric games equally well. While IEMs are the main way I would recommend using the DC07PRO, it can drive headphones just fine, including some harder to drive open-back models, which are usually a gamer’s favorite option. 


Sound Quality

Pairings – To properly test the DC07PRO I have paired it with a selection of Headphones and IEMS, including iBasso SR3, iBasso IT05, Hiby x FAudio Project Ace, Harmonic Dyne Eris, Sivga P2 PRO, Audeze MM-100, Crosszone CZ-10 Enhanced, Swear He-Live5, ZiiGaat Cincotres, Soundz Avant and 7Hz Aurora. During my plane flight, I’ve also been using Sennheiser IE900 with ddHIFI ST-35 for the eartips, and I found that DC07PRO can drive all of the large headphones I paired it with here, so anything that’s not utterly mad hard to driver will work just fine with DC07PRO. For IEMS, DC07PRO has no background noise, but excellent control and strong dynamics, and a very good volume control. Overall, there is enough volume control to go from quiet to very loud with both IEMs and Headphones, and the balanced headphone output is quiet, clean and has a contrasty sound with all the headphones and IEMs I tested the DC07PRO with. To test the absolute limits of DC07PRO I have paired it with HIFIMAN He1000SE, Dan Clark Aeon 2 Noire and T+A Solitaire P-SE, and it was still able to drive those headphones, with an actually good strength, although the maximum volume will be limited. 

Overall Signature – iBasso always goes for pleasing tunings, and if you heard some of their prior designs, you may think that they have a flat and neutral sound, but DC07PRO has a modern iBasso sound, natural, slightly warm, with a full and pleasing midrange, deep and powerful bass, and with a smooth, clean and fatigue-free treble. DC07PRO pairs well with both bright and full sounding IEMs and Headphones, and I found it to have a good synergy with all the IEMs it drove in my tests because it has a musical, smooth and fluid midrange, which is pleasing to the ear at all times. Spatiality is a strong point for DC07PRO, it projects music far beyond the bounds of your head, and can create a natural, rounded presentation for each instrument and special effect. There is an HP Filter which makes DC07PRO sound wider and more holographic, but does not seem to have any negative impact on the sound. 

Bass – Starting with the low-end, all IEMs will have a deep, powerful and punchy bass, with a natural speed, natural decay. You can actually change how the impulse response sounds like by using the filters in the DC07PRO, and this is one of the few DAC/AMps out there where the filters have a rather large impact on the final sound you’re hearing. Fast filters will give you a quick note decay, with a more precise sound, and a better resolution, while slow filters will create a slower note decay, a fuller sound and an audibly warmer presentation. Bass is fluid and smooth as presented by DC07 PRO and it skips on the grain, allowing most music to sound pleasing, high-resolution and detailed. 

Midrange – You will find one of the smoothest, most fluid and most musical midrange sounds with DC07PRO, much more so than all of the other dongle DAC/AMPs, as it renders a beautiful voicing, beautiful instrument and a natural tonality for it all. DC07PRO emphasizes both male and female voices the same, it leaves music untouched in the tonality, adding just a sprinkle of extra warmth and fullness. Low-pitched male voices sound full and deep, while female voices are bright, brilliant and emotional. Detail is bountiful for the price point, and resolution is excellent. Laid Back and relaxed are good ways to describe the entire sound, as DC07PRO tends to pull the forward and aggressive sounds towards the back, and you will never be fatigued, it allows you to both push the volume on aggro tracks, but also listen quietly when you want to lean back and chill. 

Treble – For a smooth and lean treble, DC07PRO renders a beautiful sound with a strong extension, but a laid back and relaxed top end. If you found your music to be too sharp, or your IEMS to be fatiguing, DC07 PRO will take that edge off and leave in only the best parts from your music. 

Volume Control – DC07PRO handles both low volumes and high volumes very well, I found that quiet music sounds relaxed, wide, holographic and detailed, keeping in all the contrast I love, while loud music sounds more forward, punchy and aggressive, yet still plenty relaxed in the treble and controlled. I consider this to be a perfect volume control, as the sound is consistent across all volume levels, and even similar. There is no extra THD at maximum volume, and DC07PRO stays clean and smooth, with low distortion at all volumes. 

Dynamics / PRaT / Textures – The impulse response of DC07PRO depends on the filter you’re using, with iBasso allowing even a NOS filter for you to enjoy the DC07PRO. The impulse response is generally natural though, faster or slower, it is still within natural bounds, with a smooth, fluid and clean sound. 

Soundstage – Wide, and holographic are the best ways to describe the sound of DC07PRO. Rather, as it has a laid back sound, everything is pulled back from you, so even the forward instruments will be fairly relaxed and have enough space to play, allowing DC07 PRO to sound open, wide and airy. 



iBasso DC07PRO vs iFi hip-dac 3 (199 USD vs 199 USD) – iFi made a battery-powered DAC/AMP with hip-dac3, so if you absolutely must not drain the battery of your smartphone, hip-dac3 draws almost zero battery, but it also has the same driving power as DC 07 PRO, with more background noise, and less control. Somehow, iBasso using the Quad DAC with FPGA seems to work better for IEMs and Headphones, giving DC07PRO more control, better dynamics and a more detailed, more contrasty sound. I like having this kind of control and detail, but a slightly more forward, more neutral sound as well. I generally would recommend DC07PRO more for its sound, driving ability, and size / portability convenience. 

iBasso DC07PRO vs Shanling H2 (199 USD vs 169 USD) – Shanling H2 has a battery inside, and a price that is a bit lower than DC07PRO, so it may be appealing to consider, but it also is heavier and takes more space than DC07PRO. I like both DAC/AMPs for listening to music, but H2 uses a single DAC, with an SG-Micro OP-AMP setup, so the Quad DAC solution implemented by iBasso is more capable, reveals more information from music, has a higher resolution and much better clarity / contrast. Shanling has a more colored, warmer and smoother sound, while DC07PRO sounds natural, wide, holographic and has an improved detail. Generally, DC07PRO outperforms the H2 at a technical level and is a better purchase. 

iBasso DC07PRO vs Aune Yuki (199 USD vs 179 USD) – Aune Yuki has been a favorite Dongle DAc AMP for me, and it looks cool, having a glass display that allows you to see the internals, but Yuki comes with much less driving power, 160mW per channel at 32 OHMs, compared to the much higher 400mW per channel at 32 OHMs of the DC07PRO. This means that you can expect DC07PRO to work much better at driving headphones, and even for IEMS, it will have better control, more contrast and a higher detail / resolution. Yuki has the most driven, forward sound I have heard in my entire life, and DC07PRO sounds relaxed, smooth, more revealing and cleaner compared to Yuki. I prefer the volume wheel of DC07PRO and it generally sounds more revealing, wider, and more holographic which make it a really good option for both IEMs and Headphones. 


Value and Conclusion

While iBasso managed to deliver a dongle DAC AMP that surpassed their previous offering at this price point, namely the DC04PRO, which was a successful dongle, the new DC07PRO is actually priced competitively relative to the market, and the whole package has an excellent value, with the DAc/AMP offering a high price / performance ratio, high sonic quality, and great build quality too. 

Before the end of today’s review, I will be adding the iBasso DC07PRO to the Audiophile-Heaven Hall Of Fame, as it earned an award like this honestly and by the raw efforts of the company to offer a high-end product, with an affordable price. 

At the end of the day, if you’re looking for a high-quality dongle DAC that comes with all the cables that you may need for it, if you’re curious what I listen to when I leave on vacation, and if you want to hear a punchy, detailed and open sound with a holographic soundstage, and excellent detail / resolution for its price, iBasso DC07PRO is a fully recommended purchase today and a DAC/AMP you won’t regret getting into. 


Product Link

Amazon – https://amzn.to/4d0dUuw

Aliexpress – https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_Dk4AVw7

--- Please remember to stay safe, and always have fun while listening to music!---

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Full Playlist used for this review

We listened to more songs than those named in this playlist, but those are excellent for identifying a sonic signature.  I recommend trying most of the songs from this playlist, especially if you’re searching for new music! The playlists are different for Spotify, Tidal and Youtube, and based on the songs I enjoy and are available on each!




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